Saturday, November 26, 2016

Monotony of Happiness

Had life been fair,
Who would have understood the meaning of happiness,
I wonder if the existence of God would then be thought of,
And candle lights or lamps would be called for.

If everyday would have been a celebration,
Had people have known only laughter and smile,
I wounder if there would have been a death,
And if yes then would people have cried?

Everyone prays for good,
But I have seen bad happening to those who pray the most,
I wonder if endowed happiness would have been their monotony,
Would then they have not asked for bad?

My mother says, too much of anything is never good for anyone,
Hence the embrace of laughter and cries does the magic,
If only people with means could understand to ask for nothing,
And spread happiness for those who don't have hands or fortune to try.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Sleep Well

When sleep is not your friend,
Thoughts capture the sleeping hours.
Closed eyes shows you the possibilities,
And when open I worry about the morning alarm.
Morning brings the fresh start and then;
The next night I contemplate on the same thoughts,
And wait for the next morning to stand by,
For the possibilities to come true, and think of,
May this day's night hugs me good night,
So with the morning light I can wake out of this
vicious circle,
And face the true twenty four hour's life.