Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Take Your Pick

It is easy to lie,
It is difficult to live the truth.
It is easy to be rude,
It is difficult to give love.
It is easy to loose,
It is difficult to gather.
It is easy to give in,
It is difficult to hold back.
It is easy to make friends,
It is difficult to be friends.
It is easy to die,
But I choose a difficult
yet beautiful life.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Child or an Adult

It does not end with passing days,
If only we feel it's gone.
It is the childhood we say we miss,
But it never leaves us and with us it always walks on.

My age says I am an adult,
But what does an adult do differently I ask,
Have my choices changed I wonder,
I taste same chocolates and feel Alas!

My face may have got wrinkles,
But I too once had small fingers,
Then why people expect my outer actions to be different,
When my inner heart always tingles.

My Son today tells me how to carry his son,
When holding my fingers as a kid he had all the fun.
To him i am an immature though to me he's still a child now playing my part,
But does he not remember, its with me he walked this far.

I hear from all that it is a circle of life,
A kid of ten and a man of seventy are alike.
I believe,
It's just the count of years that we have named as age,
But every mind gets stuck in a dilemma-tic child or an adult maze.

I Love You

I Love You,
Is what I always say,
But only if you could listen,
Listen to my heart,
And only if you could look,
Look deep in my eyes,
And only if,
You could see me sigh looking at you
and crave for an embrace.
But O my Love,
O my sweet to heart felt Love,
I know,
You would know,
One day you will feel my presence,
One day you will seek my presence,
That day,
The day you'll desire my skin on you,
You'll see me there,
You'll see me standing with my arms open,
And we'll be enfolded together, forever.

(An Old Fashioned Poem)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lets Run

Have I reached or have I not even begun,
I thought I was under the shade but
My shadow tells me my head is under the Sun.
The road to success is too rough and long,
And I am not even half done.
There are so many people in need around me,
I think my walk will not suffice, instead I should run,
Alone I may not make much of a difference,
But with you all, I can beat this harsh Sun.

Just One

There is something you will always loose,
It'll be among two or many,
And you will have to choose.
If you want to see the sunset sitting on the porch,
You can't sleep the same time and hold the sun still
till your eyes are close.